An attitude of Gratitude

Time has been going so fast, I find it hard to believe that we are in the 6th month of  2018. As a little girl, time would go sooooo slow but now that I am an adult, time waits for no one. Currently, I have a 21 year old Airman and a 14 year old. Where did time go? As of today, I have been a resident of Texas for two years. I can remember when this was just a prayer and me constantly reminding whomever would listen that I would one day live in Texas. Our god is so amazing! What would we do without Him, I don’t want to know…. Lord, I am grateful that you filled me with your light when my mind was darkened by life’s circumstances and sin.  You are the one constant in my life and for that, I am grateful.  It is my prayer today that if there is anyone who doesn’t know you for themselves that you will become real to them as you have for me.  I pray for family members who haven’t accepted you as their Savior, that starting today, that they may begin to seek and thirst for you like never before. I get out of my own way and ask that you give me more opportunities to do more for you!!!

My life is not my own! Thank you, Lord!!!

Desiring a more intimate relationship with God…

I have been on this journey for more than fifteen years. I’ve been dedicated and then backslide, now I’m at a place of I don’t care what I have to give up.   It hasn’t been an easy one to say the least. I didn’t grow up in the church but for as long as I can remember, I’ve talked to God.  I look back to 2002, when I received the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues,my was I in awe of this moment although I had been praying for this manifestation. It took place at a conference in Florida, A new you in 2002. I was indeed new. A lot has taken place since that day, I’ve been through two divorces that left me broken and confused. Thank God for transformation and deliverance! Flash forward to this day, August 19, 2014, I am in a place of desiring more of God, by any means necessary. I desire to be used of Him mightily.  Once you’ve experienced His presence you want to dwell there everyday, all day! More of Him, less of me is my desire.

God’s way, God’s timing

It’s been a while since I posted anything, that’s because life has a way of taking you in multiple directions and it’s only through God’s grace do we find peace and rest.  At this very moment, I must say, I am honestly living my best life yet.  I finished y Masters degree in May 2016 and after much prayer and fasting, I took a leap of faith and moved to Texas. I’ve been here now for exactly six months to be exact. In my mind, I has picture of what my life would look like and can I share with you, it looks nothing like I imagined and planned.  But guess what, when God does a thing it generally looks nothing like the picture you painted for yourself.  I’m okay with that because I’m in His perfect will which supersedes anything I could have planned or imagined for myself.

God is so AWESOME all by Himself!!!  I look back on so many things that He was putting in place even when I was a little girl.  Something was birthed many years ago amongst myself and several of my cousins. It’s called, LAW(Love At Work) I had no idea where this was going. It started out as an outlet or meeting time for us to get together to celebrate one another but it has since turned into God’s love at work through prayer and encouragement.  Honestly, I am excited about what God is doing. If there’s anyone out here in WordPress land that desires prayer or knows someone, please leave a name and I will add it to my prayer box which is another God ordained idea.  I have so much to share that I don’t know how to begin or end. Be blessed, until the next time…

Angelia Evans






Today’s Word With Joel &Victoria Osteen – Prepare For Your Blessings

Today's A New Day


“The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity…”
Deuteronomy 28:11, NIV


God has a place of abundance in store for you!It’s a place where all needs are supplied—a place of joy, happiness, and victory.But in order to experience all the great things that God has prepared, there are some conditions that need to be met in the natural.God already did His part to make provision for the blessing.You must do your part to obey the Word of God and aggressively pursue the abundant life that’s rightfully yours.

In this new year,stir yourself up to pursue wholeheartedly the dreams God has placed in your heart.Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity!Get the Word of God in your heart and walk in the abundant life God has for you. This can be your best year yet!


God, There is no better time to come to You…

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August 21, 2014

Taking this moment to thank God for bringing me out of situations and circumstances that seemed to last forever. Amazing God, you are! I don’t look like what I’ve been through. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Father open your Word unto me. Your servant yields unto thee in total adoration and humility. Let us all take a moment to think back to a time we thought there was no way out and God made a way.  This feeds my faith, if He did it before, He can do it again.  Speak Lord…




Treasure is held in those who seek to possess the riches of Heaven. As you seek to pour out your gifts, as the Holy Spirit leads, you will come to know and be intimate with the treasure you carry. This intimacy is the key to not casting your pearls before swine, but pouring out precious oil upon those who are in need of what you carry. You are to pull on the gifts and anointing of each other so you may be filled all the days of your life. The treasure of your brother or sister is not to be coveted, it is to be seen as a gift from God which is available to you as a child of God. Stir up the gift and pull on the anointing of the one who holds they keys you seek.

Relationship with Me does not begin and end in prayer or…

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Desiring a more intimate relationship with God..

Greetings to all,

My name is Angelia Evans. I am a single mother of two children.  My reason for starting this blog is that I was encouraged by a wise man to start a brand. That means starting something that I’m passionate about. I enjoy talking and encouraging others. At this season of my life I desperately seek after God and the manifestations of the Holy Ghost.  it is my sincere desire to be used mightily by God. I have shared in prayer that I surrender all to Him but really it was for a short period of time and I was right back doing things that separated me from Him. But this time around, i am serious about this walk.  I think for many years, I have ran from the call that He has on my life, as of  late, I truly surrender my all to Him.  

I didn’t grow up in the church but God placed a few people in my life that would pick me and my siblings up for church every once and a while.  Those nuggets that were dropped landed on good ground which left me desiring more even at a very young age, I would cry out to God about whatever circumstances I was faced with.  Life has taught me a lot, going through two divorces that left me broken and confused. Thank God for transformation and deliverance.  

I recall vividly the day I received  the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  It took place at a conference in Florida, A new you in 2002. My God was I new but that didn’t stop me from looking for the thing I missed all my life, LOVE. Seeking after something that could only be found on the inside. It has taken many years for me to realize and comprehend this fact, but I got it now! 

I pray that me sharing where I’ve been and where I desire to go will bless and encourage another.